Our recruitment partners perform a thorough employee background check to ensure we have full details on the candidate's employment history before hiring. This is an effective way of knowing if the candidate has any criminal and derogatory records or security violations in the past. While Staff Outsourcing Solutions is an equal opportunity employer, we still make it a priority to mitigate any potential risk, especially on sensitive accounts such as payment and billing.

Staff Outsourcing Solutions makes it a practice to obtain an employee's complete information, particularly all current and provincial addresses, if applicable, contact information, family information and all other legally required information. This is done for both the company's and employee's mutual protection.

Staff Outsourcing Solutions uses this software to monitor all employees in real time. This tool captures all websites accessed by the employee, records all incoming and outgoing emails and records keystrokes in work apps, emails, websites and IM chats in real time. It also generates reports and schedules active screen captures.

With virtually no blind spot in the production area, all employees are actively being monitored both by the local security and management team and the US management team to ensure everyone is doing full production at all times. Any suspicious activity can be recorded and reported in real-time as well.